We have earned media coverage for every single client with whom we have worked. See some of our examples below…
Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte discusses what is helping him prepare for Tokyo Olympics 2021
Airvet launches adoptathon providing free care for adopted pets in Sarasota through June
3 Daughters Brewing featured on Kelly & Ryan
Idlewild food giveaway on ABC Action News WFTS
Footprints on The TODAY Show - NBC National
Sailgating the SF Giants' Opening Day with Boatsetter
WannaRub featured on the Hit Show, The List
Dr Siambanes on ABC Action News
Toxic Treats? Judge PR client on Inside Edition discussing deadly dangers for dogs
Idlewild food giveaway on on FOX 13 Tampa WTVT
Bottle Breacher on NBC Daytime
Pathway, the fastest growing veterinary hospital group in U.S., relocates headquarters
Wait! There’s More…
While earning media coverage for your company or brand is a specialty of ours, it is only one of several ways you can benefit from our public relations services.
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