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Tampa Bay tortoise on the run since June, still missing

DashRewardSAN ANTONIO, Fla. – A tortoise named Dash from the Tampa Bay area has been on the run since the middle of June and his family is looking for the community to help with finding him.

The family of Dash, a 6-year-old Sulcata tortoise, reported him missing to law enforcement back in June. Since then, there have been several sightings near Nugent Road, but the illusive shell-back has managed to evade authorities. Unlike the native gopher tortoise, Dash is larger and weighs in at approximately 30 pounds.DashFirstDay

Tampa residents are used to unique creatures in their back yards. After all, the Mystery Monkey of Tampa Bay grabbed headlines for several years before being captured, but Dash’s family is hoping he can return to his den as soon as possible.DashAndY

He belongs to Ryan and Karyn Pingel. Everyone in their family, including their dogs, is missing the 30-pound reptile. According to the Pingels, Dash is not dangerous. He is friendly and is more likely to approach humans than run
Dash (3)away from them. He also likes strawberries and lettuce.

Tampa Bay tortoise on the run since June, still missing