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Challenge to raise awareness about veteran suicide to launch Wednesday

OKLAHOMA CITY – Warriors for Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving military veterans, is scheduled to launch a national campaign Wednesday called, “Remembering the 22,” to bring awareness to veteran suicide.

According to recent studies, approximately 22 veterans take their own lives each day.

The R22 Challenge asks individuals and businesses to take the R22 Challenge, post their own video via social media, and challenge their friends, colleagues and fellow business owners to take a stand against this epidemic and donate $22 to Warriors for Freedom.

“Our goal is to help raise awareness about this tragic occurrence and hopefully save lives in the process,” said Amber Moulder, executive director of Warriors for Freedom.

Many veterans return home with the hidden wounds of war such as combat stress reaction (CSR), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

“Even though the wars are coming to an end, the battle is not over,” said retired Marine Corps Cpl. Chad Allcox, a veteran advocate for Warriors for Freedom.  “Many veterans are coming home with PTSD and/or substance abuse problems. Over time, these can cause greater issues leading to suicide.  It’s time to help these veterans by raising awareness and supplying them with the tools they need to win the battle at home.”

To learn more about this challenge and how you can get involved, visit www.rememberingthe22.org.

Companies interested in becoming involved should contact Amber Moulder at 405.606.5756 or amber@warriorsforfreedom.org, or Chris Morrissey at 970.402.7724.

Warriors for Freedom Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that provides support to our nation’s heroes and their families in the areas of outdoor activities, scholarships and promoting mental health and wellness awareness, specifically post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), combat stress reaction (CSR), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and veteran suicide.


Challenge to raise awareness about veteran suicide to launch Wednesday